Flashback's Handy Man - Painter

Ch SR Flashback's Handy Man CDX RA SH OA NAJ NAP WCX CGC

Flashback Flat Coated Retrievers

Introducing the Flashback Litter!

Painter 2009

Painter 2008

Painter 2007

Painter 2006

Painter 2005


September 2010

Senior Hunter - Congratulations!!!

August 2010




Videos of Sharon and Painter at a recent hunt test

About two years ago Sharon sent Painter's photo to
Foster and Smith for a contest.  She never heard anything
until today!  Here is Painter in an ad! 
They added a buckle collar on him. 



July 2010


June 2010

Check out the 2010 Specialty web page!

Painter and his Specialty ribbons!



Painter 2009 Painter 2008 Painter 2007

Painter 2006

Painter 2005